\netmeter setup.exe NetMeter 2 You've probably seen earlier versions of this utility to monitor the cost you your internet access. This latest version now runs under Windows 3.1 as well as Win 95 - both are supported and the program is identical in both cases. All the old features are included, so that you can manually start and stop the timer to record your internet usage. The cost will be calculated as before. A new feature though, is the addition of named users. When you start NetMeter 2 you have to log in - in other words, enter your name. The name is then recorded in the access log. This means that you can track the internet usage of multiple users. There is an alternative Dialer interface available in NetMeter 2 and this enables it to automatically log your Internet access without you having to click the Start and Stop buttons. Forget your old dialer and use NetMeter 2 to dial your Internet Service Provider and log on to the internet. The timer is automatically started as soon as you successfully connect and stopped when you disconnect. It works just like your standard dialler and so you can place the NetMeter 2 icon on the desktop and click it to dial rather than using your standard dialler. This feature works with most ISPs, but one or two use special logon procedures that prevent the dialer from working. You can still use the timer functions manually though. The NetMeter 2 access log is bigger, has a user entry and handy statistics. You can also display the statistics as a 2D or 3D chart. This program is fully functional, but there's a nag screen when you start it up. Distributed by CCA Software Price: £14.99 Tel: (UK) 0161-480 9811